
  1. EG News

    The Dumbbell Chest and Shoulder Workout For Bigger Muscles

    When building a strong, chiseled upper body, you don’t need a lot of equipment—what you really need is a great chest and shoulder workout routine and just one piece of equipment. That’s where the beauty of a one-piece workout comes in, and we’re focusing on one of the most versatile tools in the...
  2. EG News

    Phil Heath’s Giant Set for Wider Shoulders

    Those who seek to improve their physique know that wider shoulders are a must if you want to cast a more imposing shadow. Fortunately, Phil Heath, has a ‘Gift’ for those who want to learn how he built himself broad enough to win seven Mr. Olympia titles, so you can try it too. “You can actually...
  3. EG News

    These 3 Dumbbell Complexes Can Help You Burn Fat during Your Next Workout

    Working out to get lean is not the most enjoyable experience. The calorie deficit, watching what you eat, and the higher intensity workouts required to see your abs are tough. There are not many ways around it when you want to get a lean look. Therefore, it would be best to have workouts to get...
  4. 01dragonslayer


    TRAINING TO FAILURE: TWO TYPES It's pretty rare for most of us to take a set to failure. True failure involves missing the last rep, something we want to avoid for a bunch of reasons, injury and shame being highest on the list. Far more often, we finish the set once we hit a target number of...
  5. EG News

    Squeeze More Gains From Your Chest With The Dumbbell Squeeze Press

    The dumbbell squeeze press goes by a few names, like the hex or champagne press, but they all mean the same thing—more gains for your chest. Part dumbbell chest press and the part dumbbell flye, the squeeze press creates muscular tension from the get-go for juicy muscle-building gains. Lifting...
  6. EG News

    Keep Making Chest Gains By Eliminating These 3 Dumbbell Bench Press Mistakes

    There is no doubting most gymgoers’ attraction to the barbell bench press. It is part of the Big 3 lifts for a reason: The barbell bench press, with its stability and relatively fixed range of motion, allows the lifter to move the most weight possible. But through injury or range of motion...
  7. 01dragonslayer


    To make the lateral raise effective at recruiting the delts (and not just the traps) first focus on pushing the dumbbells AWAY, not on lifting them up. Try to bring the dumbbells as far to your sides as possible. They should only go up as a result of you pushing sideways. This minimizes trap...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Build your shoulders with dumbbells!

    Do you need to raise your shoulders? Are your hands sweaty? Is your back grumbling about all of your shoulder twisting and pulling? If this is the case, it may be time for a shoulder exercise. Your shoulders are natural and auxiliary upper-body complex muscles that support your arms, back, and...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Dumbbell Back Workout and more

    One of the greatest ways to get your back toned is to use dumbbells in various exercises. This workout targets all the muscles in your back, including your lats, traps, and rhomboids. You'll need a pair of dumbbells for this workout. Choose a weight that's challenging but manageable for you. Why...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Barbells Vs Dumbells

    Charles Staley, Bodybuilding, Strength Training, 13 Recently I was asked “…what is your preference on dumbbells compared to barbells? Does the increased amount of weight you can move on say, an incline barbell press offset the extra work by the stabilizing muscles if you were use dumbbells...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    3 Ways to Improve Posture with One Set of Dumbells

    Of all the things we go to the gym for, posture is rarely at the top of the list. However, it is one of the most important things we can consider improving in our lives. With more and more of us stuck sitting in office chairs for a large portion of our days, it is all the more important that we...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Dumbbell Only Workout: 5 Day Dumbbell Workout Split

    This 5 day dumbbell only workout program only requires dumbbells and is perfect for those looking to build lean muscle mass at home or on the go! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Intermediate Program Duration12 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time Per Workout45-60...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    5 Day At Home Muscle Building Workout

    Being stuck at home doesn't mean you can't get in a great workout. Take on some serious "bro-split" training and build muscle with this 5-day at-home workout. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Beginner Program Duration10 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time Per...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Dumbbell Only Workout: 5 Day Dumbbell Workout Split

    This 5 day dumbbell only workout program only requires dumbbells and is perfect for those looking to build lean muscle mass at home or on the go! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Intermediate Program Duration12 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time Per Workout45-60...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The 6 Unwritten Rules of the Gym

    The 6 Unwritten Rules of the Gym Follow Them or Face the Consequences Broken Rules, Broken Skulls Does this even need to be written? Sadly, yes. There's just something about the gym that can turn an ordinary individual into a blithering asshole. As a gym owner, I see it every day. You've...
  16. 01dragonslayer


    BAR BODY The most common gym lurker. As the name implies, this guy works on muscles to show off at the bar, with purpose of impressing chicks or intimidating pencil necks. Usually, it's a young guy between 15-25 years old, who's at the gym working on every upper body muscle he can see from the...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Top 6 Dumbbell Exercises for Athletic Muscle Building

    Barbells get all the love, but what happens when every bar in your gym is being used by some bro hitting biceps curls? Can you still make sweet, sweet gains without the big three barbell lifts? In short, yes. In fact, too many lifters neglect dumbbells altogether, relegating their gains to...
  18. EG News

    This Crossfit EMOM Workout Will Blast Your Entire Body In 20 Minutes

    Whether you’re a CrossFitter or not, there are certain CrossFit techniques that anyone interested in getting functionally strong and insanely fit should be doing at least occasionally. One such protocol is the EMOM — short for “every minute on the minute.” With minimal equipment, you can get a...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Advanced Bodybuilding Rep Schemes

    I’m sure it’s been drilled into your heads as much as it was drilled into mine, low reps and heavy weight for building and high reps and moderate weight when trying to get “toned.” What a bunch of bullshit! Do you have any idea how much I’ve gone outside of the box when it came to building...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    7 Insider Tips To Build Your Ultimate Forearms!

    If you're like most avid weight trainers, you've never given much thought to your forearms because you've been too busy focusing on big guns, thick pecs, cobra lats, or thunder thighs. That's cool. I get it. Just don't forget about your forearms. Thin, spindly forearms look weak and wimpy...