High-intensity interval training is the new craze. You see everyone on social media touting #bodygoals and doing HIIT workouts daily.
Guess what? HIIT workouts aren't really supposed to be done every day.
Just like with heavy deadlifts, if you can do HIIT workouts every day, you aren't doing...
Hypertrophy, a.k.a. building muscle, making gains, getting swole, is a goal for a significant portion of the gym-going crowd.
Countless programs have been developed over the decades specifically created with the intent of building muscle and strength. What we’ve learned from these programs as...
Let’s get real—if you’re spending hours in the gym but not seeing the results you’re after, you’re not alone. One of the popular techniques out there, rest-pause sets, is marketed as a way to maximize muscle growth by pushing beyond failure with short breaks between reps. But recent research...
Take a person willing to train themselves into the ground to get results. Teach them everything science knows about performance physiology. Now, give them an unlimited budget and allow them to build a workout drink.
What effects would they want? What ingredients would deliver those effects...
Former MR USA Jordan Hutchinson placed second in the 2024 Texas Pro, and the Open Division competitor has been looking seriously swole as of late. For those wondering how he’s making great progress, the man-mountain has shared his methods, and it involves getting “a little loose” when required...
With Ozempic and other hunger suppressing drugs becoming all the rage for weight loss, new research into exercise suggests that physical activity may be superior to prescription drugs, especially for women. Here’s why.
Active ingredients like semaglutide, found in Ozempic help type 2 diabetes...
Adventures keep you young. They provide excitement, motivation, and something to look forward to. So take that trip, go on that adventure, and stay fit in the process. You’ll find that the journey itself is the key to a healthier, happier you, no matter your age.
Sometimes however, leaving the...
Dense, granite-like gains – that's what high intensity training is all about. These workouts don't last long but they pack on muscle. Take a look.
I’ve been training for more than 20 years, and I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it all: high-volume body-part splits; high-intensity, low-volume splits...
Time is the number one excuse for not getting a workout, outside of laziness. But here’s the thing: your gains don’t care about excuses—they care about action. And that’s where this 15-minute density training workout comes in. It is designed for those who lack time but want serious results...
There are volume proponents and intensity proponents in the strength world. The Volume proponents argue that doing multiple sets is the optimal way to train, while the intensity guys insist that one set taken to the limit is more than enough.
The fact is, both philosophies will build muscle and...
Feeling a little fatigued in training? What could it be? Your sleep, nutrition, and stress catching up? Or have you been pushing it too hard in training and it’s time for a deload week?
If you’ve been in Persist for more than a few weeks, you may be...
When you push yourself hard doing High Intensity Cardio, or a CrossFit Metcon, there is an almost euphoric feeling when you are done. Not many people love the pain while they are in the midst of...
Are you familiar with the saying “Less is more”? In the realm of fitness, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a prime example. These workouts, defined by alternating short bursts of vigorous exercise with brief rest periods, pack an impressive number of health benefits into a small time...
Most people aren’t getting enough sleep, plain and simple. But—and this is the important thing to realize—we don’t recognize that we are sleep deprived. In my article on the science of sleep and in my comprehensive sleep guide, I covered this problem, discussed how sleep works, and shared a...
In fitness, time on task should be worth a lot. However, sometimes experienced people still struggle with their fitness goals.
Why is that?
We all follow the same pattern with any new skill we learn. We start by wanting to get better at something, gather information from a book, website...
In recent years, the sentiment among gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts has been that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is better for weight loss than traditional low-to-moderate intensity, steady-state cardio. But is that really what the data shows? Well, yes and no. The HIIT vs...
Give the body a good reason to keep growing with various progression methods that will help keep you from hitting a plateau at the gym.
Let’s get straight to the point. To gain muscle and strength you have to have a plan. That plan must include two important ingredients – because without them...
Are you training or just working out? Chances are you’re not the best when it comes to assessing your own training intensity. It’s not a factor that should be brushed aside. Training intensity can be a big deal considering the most important factor for maximizing strength and lean muscle gain...
by Gabrielle Kassel, CF-L1
By now you’ve most likely heard of intermittent fasting (IF), which involves regularly restricting your food intake for particular periods of time. Though intermittent fasting has gotten a lot of attention for weight loss (fewer hours of eating per week typically means...
You've come to the perfect site if you're seeking for a method to tone up your physique! Working out may be one of the most effective methods to attain your objectives, whether you are aiming to reduce weight or gain muscle. Working exercise on a regular basis will assist raise your metabolism...