
  1. 01dragonslayer


    "How do probiotics survive the baking process in sourdough bread and how would the ones in apple cider vinegar stay alive unrefrigerated?" The probiotics don't survive the baking process. Sourdough is made with a probiotic starter that contains beneficial lactobacilli, but once you stick the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Forget Yogurt – This Stuff is Better and Badder

    by TC Luoma Yogurt just lends you its beneficial bacteria. This stuff lets you KEEP the bacteria for good. Yogurt’s been using me for years. She seduced me with her smooth, milky white body and delectably fruity bottom, whispering in my ear how good it’s gonna be, baby, when she fills me up with...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Increase Your Gains With Bugs?

    Accelerate recovery and reduce inflammation by consuming fermented foods. By Nathane L. Jackson, RHN, CSCS You’ve done the calorie math. You prioritize fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. Meal prep is sacred and you even have meals in the freezer ready to go incase an evening of Netflix...
  4. EG News

    Hold On to Your Brews! Research Suggests that Brew May Boost Gut Health

    “Liquid Bread” or beer, as it is more commonly known, is second only to water and tea in terms of global consumption. Since at least 5,300 BC (but who’s counting?), revellers everywhere have been improving their short-term mood while relaxing and making decisions that they may or may not regret...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    BACTERIA THAT MAKES YOU FAT OR LEAN By now you know that your body is crawling with bugs, namely friendly and not-so-friendly gut bacteria. You have about two pounds of these critters (gut flora or microbiota) in your GI tract and they pretty much control just about every aspect of your health...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    What Are Synbiotics? Benefits, Risk Factors, and Supplementation

    Synbiotics and Gut Health: What You Need to Know Our gastrointestinal tract is home to an incredible system of beneficial bacteria (and other microbes) that comprise the human gut microbiome. From the moment we are born, our gut microbiome begins to diversify to support our digestion, boost our...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Your Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Health—Here’s How To Strengthen Both

    by Gabrielle Kassel, CF-L1 “Stress poops”, “nervous butterflies”, and “anxiety burps” have long clued people into the possibility that the gut and brain are intertwined. In recent years, though, research on this relationship has proved that the gut-brain connection isn’t just anecdotal, but...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    5 Foods That Are Packed With Probiotics

    by Arielle Weg Nothing ruins a road trip or night on the town quite like stomach troubles. But good gut health isn’t essential just because gas and diarrhea are inconvenient: Research has identified ties between our GI health and both our immune and metabolic functions. They don’t call the...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Smarter Bodybuilding Nutrition: Change the Way You Think About Food

    I think it’s smart to think less about what food is and more about what it does. You see, the way nutrition interacts with your physiology is more than a checklist of calories and grams of protein/carbs/fats on a label. In order to build the best your body, you need to recognize that food is...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Boost Your Gut Health, Boost Your Performance

    Gut health is getting a lot of attention these days and for good reason. There are roughly 10 times more bacteria than cells in your body and an estimated 400 different types of bacteria in the intestinal tract alone, which work closely with your enteric nervous system to signal hunger, mood...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Not Losing Weight? Maybe Blame Your Gut Bacteria

    When it comes to losing weight, it’s not just the calories in the foods you eat that could help — or hinder — your efforts. Recent research found gut microbiota, the microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses living in your gastrointestinal tract, have an impact on weight loss...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    The Problem With Carb-Restricted Diets

    Whether it’s Atkins, Paleo or keto, these trendy fad diets have one thing in common — limiting carbs. Some research shows people lost more weight on a low-carb diet than a traditional low-calorie plan over six months. However, there were minimal discrepancies at the one-year mark. Carbs are an...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    15 Great Foods For Gut Health

    The 100 trillion microorganisms living in your gastrointestinal tract make up the gut microbiome. Building a collection of good bacteria has been linked to fewer health issues ranging from metabolism, arthritis and depression to cancer, cardiovascular disease and lifespan. “Gut health impacts...
  14. EG News

    Gut Health: Prebiotics Vs. Probiotics

    While “prebiotics” and “probiotics” sound like tech jargon, they’re both actually ingredients that can benefit your health. Your digestive tract contains trillions of bacteria, some which are good and others that are bad. Both prebiotics and probiotics are needed to keep your digestive system in...
  15. EG News

    7 Gut Healthy Foods

    In recent years, there has been a lot of research done on gut health and how it affects your overall well-being — from your heart to your muscles. Although there is much more research to be done, we do know that there are certain foods you can eat that can help your gut health. Here’s a rundown...
  16. Heavyduty

    Bad rip mix

    Bro I came on a sponsor on another board some of you guys may be on..who just added rip mix 300 for 50$ a bottle so I grabbed a cpl ...omg .both my Delts and my left leg are useless ..I have a bad fever and am throwing up ...js..if u see ripmix for 50$ don't buy it g ...this sucks ass
  17. EG News

    How fiber improves your gut health

    Sponsored content In this final article on the benefits of fiber we’re going to take a trip down the esophagus and through the stomach into the realm of gut health. Namely, how much of a role fiber plays in maintaining, rebuilding and strengthening the gut microbiome. Let’s get to it: Fiber...
  18. EG News

    Keep Your Gut Functioning Properly

    QUESTION I’ve been hearing about how bacteria can help us. How can I make sure I’ve got the good stomach bugs? ANSWER Studies on the bacterial populations that live in our gastrointestinal tract have exploded in the past few years. These masses of germs—which are estimated to be at least...
  19. Titan88

    Benzyl benzoate

    Anyone have side effects from Benzyl- Benzoate? I took some tren last summer at a very small dose and had a horrible skin rash breakout. I've read online that many people have had the same thing. Anyone else experience this? I'm pretty positive it's the Benzyl Benzoate that was in it. My...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Parkinson’s Disease and Gut Bacteria: A Proven Link

    Parkinson’s Disease and Gut Bacteria: A Proven Link Posted on: Tuesday, October 27th 2015 Written By: Case Adams, Naturopath The gut and the brain are pretty far apart, but increasingly scientists are connecting the dots and finding that Parkinson's is truly related to gut bacteria...