
  1. EG News

    Larry Wheels Squats an Incredible 900 Pounds

    It seems like every time we write about Larry Wheels it has to do with him exhibiting other-worldly strength — and this is no different. In one of his latest Instagram posts, Wheels posted an astonishing 900-pound squat that almost made every vein in his neck and face protrude. That looked...
  2. EG News

    Larry Wheels Looks Set to Take on Strict Curl World Record

    Larry Wheels is never one to back down from a challenge, especially when it comes to powerlifting. This is, after all, the guy who founded a company called Personal Record and holds the all-time record for a total at a single meet with 2,370 pounds (beating the prior record by just 0.1 pounds)...
  3. EG News

    Larry Wheels Curls Two Human Beings Like It's Nothing

    Larry Wheels has made a name for himself by lifting impressive amounts of weight, and not always in the form of iron plates. The professional Strongman once easily lifted bodybuilder Zac Perna, and recently he upped the ante by curling not one, but two living, breathing humans. In the video...
  4. EG News

    Larry wheels tears bicep while lifting atlas stones

    Powerlifting and strongman phenom Larry “Wheels” Williams revealed over the weekend that he tore his bicep while lifting Atlas stones. It’s unclear how long he’ll be on the sidelines for, but the injury will definitely cause him to miss Giants Live, a World’s Strongest Man 2020 qualifier, in...
  5. EG News

    Larry wheels takes pyramid training to a new level

    By now, you probably follow Larry Wheels on Instagram (@larrywheels) and know that the 24-year-old powerlifting/bodybuilding phenomenon is constantly pushing his limits in the gym. It seems that he can take virtually any lifting technique and create his own amped-up version, and his latest...
  6. EG News

    Watch larry wheels bench two 225-pound barbells for his birthday

    Insta-famous powerlifter and bodybuilder Larry "Wheels" Williams is known for his insane feats of strength, and one of his favorite moves to play with seems to be the bench press. Whether he's knocking out 25 reps of 405 or an astonishing 70 reps of 225, Wheels doesn't show any signs of slowing...
  7. EG News

    Larry wheels bench pressed 500 pounds for 11 reps

    Hey, did you guys happen to see the new glasses that Larry “Wheels” Williams is rocking? Probably not—because you were way too distracted by the 500 pounds he bench-pressed for 11 freakin’ reps. Week after week, Wheels performs insane lift after insane lift—and we’ll never not watch him. At...
  8. EG News

    Larry wheels benches 225 pounds for 70 reps

    Instagram/larrywheels Larry Wheels was built for the 2018 fitness scene. His incredible strength combined with his social media acumen is the perfect marriage to show off his viral feats of absurdity on a nearly daily basis. It’s amassed him a following of over 460K on Instagram and over 150K...
  9. EG News

    Here’s larry wheels benching 225 pounds with one arm

    Instagram/larrywheels Before we start talking about how freakish it is that 23-year-old powerlifter Larry Wheels is out here benching 225 pounds with one arm, we should stress that you really shouldn’t try this at your own gym (despite what he tells you in his Instagram caption). Just leave...
  10. GRIM

    Larry Wheels Williams

    Larry "Wheels" Williams Discusses His History and Current Cycle With Steroids - BarBend