
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Unlocking Muscle Growth with Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Myth or Reality?

    Testosterone is synonymous with strong muscles, Viking-esque beards, and an intense sex drive. But T—a primary hormone produced in your testicles that regulates your reproductive system—affects a lot more than you may think. In addition to its muscle-building and sex-drive functions, it also...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Most Common Krill Oil Benefits Compared to Fish Oil

    The benefits of omega-3 supplements are well known. They’re good for preventing heart disease, promoting lifelong brain health, they offer anti-inflammatory benefits, and they can support treatment plans for depression. [1, 2, 4, 4] Fish oil and krill oil are the most widely available sources of...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    SUSPICIOUS SYMPTOMS Leaky gut is an ailment a lot of people suspect they have, but often can't prove in the doctor's office. What are the symptoms? An assortment of things that might seem totally unrelated at first. Here are the common ones: Severe joint and muscle pain Frequent migraines and...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Brain Fog: How to Fix It & What Lifestyle Choices Lead to It

    Most of us have probably felt it at one time or another: that sluggish, fuzzy, out-of-sync sensation like your brain is running a few seconds behind the rest of the world. Welcome to brain fog. What Is Brain Fog? Brain fog isn't a specific medical condition unto itself. It isn't a recognized...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Depression And Exercise: 10 Tips To Stay Motivated And Strong

    With the dark and cold months upon us, I figured it might a good time to write a quick piece on the subject of depression, or seasonal affective disorder and how training and diet might be helpful in overcoming those illnesses. As someone who has battled with mild, and not so mild depression...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Should you work out when you are sick?

    Working out while sick may not sound enjoyable, although a popular urban myth argues that a person can “sweat out” an illness through exercise. While this is not true in the strictest sense, working out while sick may be helpful in some cases. In general, a person with symptoms in their head and...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Quick Tip on "Test Flu"

    First, what is “Test Flu”? It is not an official diagnosis that a physician would label, but a term that is associated with the flu because of the similarity of symptoms. The symptoms have a rapid onset. Often starts with the onset of low grade fever, headache, fatigue, and body aches. Not in...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Depression And Exercise: 10 Tips To Stay Motivated And Strong

    With the dark and cold months upon us, I figured it might a good time to write a quick piece on the subject of depression, or seasonal affective disorder and how training and diet might be helpful in overcoming those illnesses. As someone who has battled with mild, and not so mild depression...
  9. D

    Callahan Test

    Hey guys I had a quick question.Have any of you experienced Test flu with Callahan products. If so what symptoms did you have and how long did it last.I ve taking Callahan gear for sometime and never had an issue but the last order I got and cracked open of the Test blend the very next morning...
  10. EG News

    Researchers Find a Cure for Man's Mysterious Orgasm Allergy

    Hugo Felix Most articles concerning men and orgasms have to do with curbing it—staving off the Big O to extend pleasure, or so their female partners can climax first. One 25-year-old man avoided them for a very different, and unfortunate reason: He was allergic to his own orgasms, according to...
  11. GRIM

    What does over or under active thyroid mean What Actually Is an Under Active Thyroid and What Can You Do About It? Little gland, big implications BY EMMA PRITCHARD 23/08/2019 CAROLINA HIDALGOGETTY IMAGES Chances are you’ve heard of thyroid problems, in...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Testosterone Replacement

    Testosterone Replacement Testosterone Replacement STEP 1. One philosophy that I think holds up well in the research is the concept of replacement. By that I mean, there are hormones and key enzymes and antioxidants that should be replaced to youthful levels if missing in order to optimize...
  13. E

    Fasting-mimicking diet may help decrease multiple sclerosis symptoms

    Fasting-mimicking diet may help decrease multiple sclerosis symptoms Evidence is mounting that a diet mimicking the effects of fasting has health benefits beyond weight loss, with a new USC-led study indicating that it may reduce symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Source: Fasting-mimicking diet...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Turmeric Superior to Prozac and Pain-Killers for PMS

    Turmeric Superior to Prozac and Pain-Killers for PMS Posted on:Wednesday, December 2nd 2015 Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder PMS afflicts millions of women each month, some with debilitating symptoms. Pain killers and antidepressants are standard treatments, both of which carry serious side...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working

    7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working Posted on: Monday, September 21st 2015 Written By: Jen Wittman While there is no "magic pill" for thyroid disease, some factors may influence the effectiveness of your thyroid medication. When you are first diagnosed with a thyroid condition...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    Major Depression Symptoms Improved with Chlorella

    Major Depression Symptoms Improved with Chlorella Posted on: Sunday, August 23rd 2015 at 5:15 pm Written By: Case Adams, Naturopath The symptoms of depression are often treated with drugs that can have long-term adverse side effects. A new study finds chlorella significantly reduces symptoms...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Buyer beware: How Big Pharma uses fear to boost sales

    Buyer beware: How Big Pharma uses fear to boost sales Martha Rosenberg OpEd News Wed, 11 Mar 2015 Long before the Internet and direct to consumer advertising, the medical profession tried to reassure people about their health concerns. Sure fatigue and headaches could be a symptom of a brain...
  18. E

    Low doses of fluoxetine could hold key to preventing PMS symptoms

    Low doses of fluoxetine could hold key to preventing PMS symptoms Low doses of fluoxetine - better known as the anti-depressant Prozac - could hold the key to preventing PMS symptoms, an international team of researchers has found. Source: Low doses of fluoxetine could hold key to preventing...