
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Squat When You’re a Big Boy

    The Best Squats for Big Bodies The bigger you get, the harder it is to squat with good form. Here's how to squat when you have big hips, big shoulders, or poor mobility. The squat is difficult when you’re a big boy. Sure, it’s not uncommon to see lifters of all body types force-feed the...
  2. EG News

    How to Perform the Zercher Squat For Strength Training

    In many cases, a lifter’s leverages, injury history, or both, can frustrate his ability to perform well in large compound movements. Sadly, it’s left many with no choice but to abandon these moves and any variations for redundant sets of isolation training on machines, or movements that don’t...
  3. EG News

    12-Week Lower Body Strength Training Program To Add Mass

    In the world of strength training, there’s one day that stands out as both revered and feared: Leg Day. It’s the day that separates the dedicated from the indifferent, the strong from the weak. Too often, people skip leg day or go through the motions, avoiding the discomfort that comes with...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Question of Strength

    Your Questions, Expert Answers How bodybuilders can fight post-show depression, how to eat carbs and stay lean, and what to do if squats make you hurt. Several things could be at play here and it’s likely a combination of them – we’ll go over everything. But right off the bat I’m thinking...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The Two-Exercise Workout Plan for Size

    The Minimalist's Guide to Getting Jacked Think you need tons of exercises? Nope. You just need to do the best lifts more frequently. Here's what they are and how to use them for size. Get Big with the Fewest Number of Exercises What’s the minimum number of exercises you can use and still gain...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How to Build Big Legs With Bad Knees

    The 5 Exercises You Need Got angry knees? Here are the five best exercises to allow your legs to keep growing while keeping your knees happy. Sometimes our knees don’t feel 100 percent. Some of us deal with ongoing or intermittent pain. We don’t want this to shut down our leg training and force...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Squat You’re Not Doing

    This type of squat improves your form, saves your joints, and makes a great addition to your regular squatting. The Problem with Squats Squats are hyped-up as the king of leg exercises, but that only applies to a very small percentage of lifters: ones who actually squat well and ones who aren't...
  8. GRIM

    Queens of the SQUAT

  9. 01dragonslayer

    The Very Best Low-Body Mobility Exercise

    If you're only going to do one mobility drill to improve your squat, this should be it. The Ass Was Far Away From the Grass As someone who struggled with attaining squat depth, I've spent years researching different methods, theories, and reasons why my ass just wouldn't hit the grass. It's not...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    Make Better Gains with 30 Minute Workouts TAGS BODYBUILDING, TRAINING HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... With a smart training plan, you can cut your gym time in half and increase your gains at the same time. Intense workouts done for three days a week with greater discipline, focus, and...
  11. 01dragonslayer


    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... High frequency training (HFT) can consist of utilizing the same exercise(s) anywhere from 3-5 sessions per week to 15-20 sessions per week. Pretty much anything and everything works for beginners, but HFT works for everybody from beginners to very advanced...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    The overhead squat is one of the most challenging exercises for the entire shoulder complex. Unfortunately, many people are unable to perform it correctly due to the high mobility demands. Here's one exercise to fix this. THE BAND-ASSISTED PRONE PVC LIFTOFF One of the main limitations to...
  13. EG News

    Try this Mindful Full Body Kettlebell Workout from Senada Greca

    Senada Greca is the go-to trainer for celebrities like Bebe Rexa and has amassed more than 5.5 followers on Instagram thanks to her awesome workout and nutrition tips. Recently, the physical trainer and founder of Zentoa performance wear posted a mindful full body kettlebell workout to give your...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    The 5 Most Common Programming Myths

    You hear a lot of "rules" about exercise programming. Problem is, many of them aren't rules at all; they're just myths and misconceptions. Here are the top five: 1. A Good Program is a Balanced Program It's sounds sensible, but it's actually not true. A good workout plan isn't about balance...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons You Don't Look Like You Lift

    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... Some people spend so much time doing fancy warm-ups they forget to lift something heavy and break a sweat. Start a program and finish it. Stop program hopping. The basics are going to get you there the fastest. Squat deep, bench without the butt leaving the...
  16. 01dragonslayer


    You see it at every gym: quarter-squat lifting with heavy weight, or ass-to-grass movements but with a rounded back that looks like the Gateway Arch. Those who don't care to squat like a pro make excuses, "I have bad knees," "I'm not a powerlifter, and "I look better than you." Those who do care...
  17. 01dragonslayer


    When it comes to lower-body bodyweight exercises, the walking lunge gets all the love. It's a great exercise, no doubt. The only problem? Walking lunges require a fairly large space. Not great for training at home. Forward lunges are an option, but they have a tendency to be a knee-killer for...
  18. EG News

    Single Leg Box Squat: How To, Muscles Worked, Tips and Tricks

    Love it or not, squatting is an effective way to build muscle and strength, and it’s a non-negotiable part of any serious workout routine. One squat variation that’s worth your attention is the single leg box squat. Overall box squat variations are fantastic for many reasons, but the three main...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How Tall Guys Get Jacked

    What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a tall guy in the gym? Besides saying, "Damn, he's tall," you're probably thinking the guy either plays basketball or paints ceilings for a living. Or even worse, you say to yourself, "Man, he's skinny." For the most part, "skinny" is...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Know Why You're Squatting Do you want more muscle or more weight on the bar?

    Are you training for bodybuilding purposes or for powerlifting purposes? Knowing the answer will make a world of difference in how you squat. Or at least it ought to. Here are the foundational differences between squatting for powerlifting purposes (increasing your 1 RMa) and squatting for...