Andy Yingling Collaborator
12 Tips To Building Massive Arms
Meet Jim. Jim is a gym rat that likes to walk around with his racerback tank top, showing off his veiny arms. He looks a lot like a Waving Wacky Tube Man.
He exhibits no size, no definition, but trains arms every day.
What's his...
Jeremy Gray
Build Bigger Arms With These 10 Exercises
I always feel bad watching gym goers go day in and day out doing endless bicep curls trying to get bigger arms.
In order to build bigger arms, you really have to pound your triceps and do some effective bicep work. You also need to do heavy...
Jeremy Gray
Biceps Workouts - 10 Things You Must Know
There aren't too many lifters that tell me they don't want bigger arms. In fact, I've never heard anyone say that.
Unfortunately, there's no magical workout or solution to getting bigger arms. There are a few concepts you need to understand...
Jeremy Gray
Hammer Curls - A Quick Guide With Tips
Check out any top-tier bodybuilder and they are going to have massive arms.
Thick and strong biceps help powerlifters by increasing stability during your bench, squat, and deadlift.
The bicep makes up around one-third of our upper arm and...
Lying leg curls are a great all-round exercise for blasting the back of your legs, but many people find this cumbersome machine complicated to master. Fortunately, Coach Ben Yanes has shared his hack for getting into the perfection position and apparently it’s all about kissing the knees — but...
They say that if you want to make progress in the gym, find someone with a physique that you want to replicate, and observe which exercises they are doing. Fortunately, for those who want bigger biceps (and who doesn’t?), you don’t need to spy from behind the Ski-erg because Eric Janicki is all...
Wesley Vissers doesn’t just complete in the Men’s Classic Division; he also appreciates the physiques that paved the way. When you think of a narrow waist, huge chest, and bulging biceps, Arnold Schwarzenegger is synonymous with one of bodybuilding’s most heralded eras and Vissers is eager to...
Let’s be honest, for most guys, one of the main reasons to get a pump going at the gym is to build sleeve busting biceps that Olympia champions like Jay Cutler have amassed. Fortunately, the man himself is always giving when it comes to passing down the moves that work best for him, and in this...
If your biceps routine consists solely of mindlessly curling dumbbells like you’re lifting your morning coffee mug, it’s time for an upgrade. Sure, curls are great, but if you really want arms that stretch your sleeves and turn heads, you need a focused approach. Targeted, strategic training...
As we count down the days to the 2024 Olympia competition, many of the combatants are taking to social media to show how they are preparing for the most important date on the bodybuilding calendar. With $400,000 in prize money at stake in the Open Division, every training decision is serious...
Ordinarily, I wouldn't have thought that BOSU ball curls were actually a thing that people do in gyms. Complaining about them would be like complaining about cats wearing yoga pants, because you don't generally see cats wearing yoga pants, and getting all bothered...
In order to maximize the size of your biceps peak and arm circumference, you can't overlook the brachialis.
The brachialis literally pushes the biceps up as it gets bigger, making the biceps appear taller.
The key to maximizing recruitment of the brachialis is to...
It’s funny how a big PR can immediately turn an average or lousy day into an amazing day. Showing up to the gym is easy. Going through the motions is easy. But consistently getting stronger month in and month out is very challenging. It requires intelligent training, sound nutrition, and ideal...
Perhaps the most annoying aspect of being a fitness professional is having to inform people over and over that spot reduction is a myth.
When did this misconception originate? Interestingly, a journal article published by Checkly in 1895 proposed that the dissipation of fat is local and...
Ahh, the biceps. Have there been a more written, spoken, and trained muscle group than the biceps? The biceps curl is a right-of-passage exercise for all gym rookies. You wander over to the dumbbell rack, grab a pair, and bust out rep after rep till your biceps bust apart you shirt sleeves...
Ever since I finished the Train Like Arnold Challenge earlier this year, I’ve been finding new ways to challenge myself and improve. One of those ways is through powerlifting. I’m preparing for my first meet in a few weeks. Besides the basic squat, bench, and deadlift, I’m also training in the...
An in-depth look at strength coach Charles Poliquin's new arm training book.
When I heard that Charles Poliquin was set to release a new book on arm training, I have to admit that my initial reaction was less than enthusiastic.
First of all, it's arm training. It's been done to death...
Bulging forearms. A handshake capable of crushing steel. Why are they becoming so rare these days? Well, probably because most lifters skimp on their forearm training.
It's understandable. Direct forearm training is painful and boring, and it's often an afterthought, tagged onto the end of a...
The signature mark of someone who has paid their dues in the iron asylum is sleeve-splitting arms. Nothing says, “Wow, they must be a badass!” like having tennis-ball biceps and horseshoe triceps. So, what’s the best arm workout for mass?
Among the best arm exercises are barbell curls and dips...
Your arm workout might be missing something. What is it? It's RESULTS. Many lifters just can't seem to build their biceps with standard curls. There's a reason for that: their other muscle groups are trying to help out.
If you're using lower-body assistance, involving the...