
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How does Anavar act on our body ?

    What is Anavar? Both our physical performance and our physique are impacted by steroid use. They are used to enhance one's performance in the realms of athletics and physical fitness. Oxandrolone is the more common name for the anabolic androgenic steroid known as Anavar (or AAS). It is used as...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    What Is Anavar and how to get gains With it?

    Many bodybuilders, athletes, and gym lovers make use of various steroids just to bulk up their muscles and build stamina. They also want to cut down excess fats in the body and tone up the body muscles although it seems quite difficult in most cases. However, experts take a lot of time in...
  3. Snakeman

    Primo and anavar together in cycle?

    I'm good at some thing but sometimes suck at interactions between compounds... If I run primo and anavar in the same, are they competing against eachother or is it a good mix?
  4. puff88

    Breaks Between Orals

    For those of you on TRT who like to throw in an pral here and there, how long of time off do you take in between befpre switching to a different one? I see some guys like to stay on proviron or even anavar longer term, some pretty much bounce from one oral to the next, and others dont touch...
  5. GoPro

    Injectable Var? Vendors help please.

    So..... Was needing Info on homebrewing Injectable Anavar. I have done a ton of searches on it and found extremely little on the recipes. I came across a couple recipes and one seems doable but wanted some input before I go wasting stuff. I have homebrewed a lot of stuff in the past including...
  6. puff88

    Anavar Cycle Duration

    I am currently in week 6 of a low dose anavar run (alongside test E) and I am loving every moment of it. It did take a bit longer to really kick in, and id say that in the last 10-14 days is when I really started to notice it. My pumps have been great, in the gym and out. Vasclarity is...
  7. puff88

    How many times a year do you run orals

    Mainly asking due to liver/organ toxicity, I know many guys will limit orals to once per year. What if someone is sticking to milder drugs like var/tbol/winny, would lower dose short cycles be sufficient to squeeze in 2 cycles per year using orals? What is your rule of thumb when it comes to...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Old School Steroid Cycles

    Old School Steroid Cycles!! By: The Steroid Guru I'm old school, through and through!! My ideal look is that of 1970's Mike Mentzer. I care nothing about looking like the next Mr. Olympia, nor am I going to put my body through all of the drugs and bullshit it takes to even try. Of course...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Olympia Cycle Revealed

    Olympia Cycle Revealed By: The Steroid Guru The Mr. Olympia competition has once again come and gone and this year we saw a major upset with Shawn Rhoden taking down the most genetically gifted bodybuilder of all-time in Phil Heath. It’s never easy to take down a defending champion, much...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet! May 18, 2020 by John Doe Bodybuilding

    Long ago were the days of cheap cycles with shit like Dbol. I know, I know, it's what all of the “golden era” bodybuilders used right? But you have to understand that old school guys didn't use Dbol because it was the best oral available, they used stuff like Dbol because it was usually all...
  11. Inhuman2024

    Pumping the breaks

    Well im not even fully started n i have to stop. I just started a npp. Test eq cycle n im gonna run anavar through the cycle. Im not even 2 full weeks in n didnt even get to start the var n my blood pressure shot up t0 190/110. Ive been fully on for awhile. I ran turnibol test e tren e n mast e...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    Not sure if we have any Lady members here but this is a great reference.... Let’s start this article off by saying Anavar is probably the most popular steroid for women. Those female fitness models and bikini competitors you have been watching getting ready for a show? Anavar. Wondering how...
  13. Dago

    No more ped's

    My kidneys are not up for it anymore guys I went to a kidney specialist and scared me a little bit. He said on average we lose 2% of our kidney function a year as we age. Mine are at 50% but I been taking 50 mg oral anavar the last couple weeks and had used deca or came off deca low dose bout a...
  14. sityslicker1

    First primo run

    Finally had the opportunity to run Primo enan so I could decide for myself if its worth the cost or not. So its been roughly 5 weeks now at 800-900mg weekly plus 80mg anavar and trt test. I'm am lean probably right at 10% or less. First off the anavar has made me strong as a damn ox. The...
  15. rboy101

    How long -orals

    What up brothers just seeing what you guys say about how long you consistently run dbol and other orals. Ive been on 40 mg of dbol for the past 5 weeks and have about 3 weeks left. Was just seeing what some of you seasoned fellas think about oral dosage runs. Ive been taking tudca and nac. Im...
  16. Andrew0409

    Anavar powder

    Sorry guys if this is a stupid question. But if I get raw anavar powder. All I have to do is cap it or even if I'm lazy just put it in like some liquid to drink? Or is there some process that still has to be done? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. TSizemore


    Wife is getting some really itchy hands from Anavar. So much so, she's ready to drop it. She's on 10mg ed. She also takes progesterone and estradiol...both prescribed. Any one else ever run across this side effect?
  18. glock4319

    Wife, gear and sex drive.

    So my wife is giving birth today and before she was pregnant she was in amazing shape. Since I started running gear she's very interested in trying something. She's going to go to my trt doc a couple months after giving birth to get all her hormones checked. Been doin some reading and it looks...
  19. krustus

    transdermal laxogenin supplement update

    been on the transdermal loaxogenin supp for almost 4 weeks.. so i'll update my thoughts on it. for those of us who have run legit gear...most supplements are gonna be a let down.. and after a guy has gained a lot of muscle by juicing, the supplements are less likely to work noticeably ...
  20. Daredevil

    Women(wives) on steroids

    I knows there's a few guys on here who have had their wife or girlfriend on low levels of testosterone. What side effects did they experience & what cycles were they running? Sides like hair growth in which areas, clitoris, etc, etc. I'd like to hear the experiences. Girlfriend is considering...