
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The 30-30-30 Rule, Modified for Lifters

    by Chris Shugart Is This Viral Trend Worth Doing? It's a social media trend that works… if you're really, really out of shape. Here's how to modify it you're already taking care of business. About every 10 years, something amazing happens: the younger generations rediscover an old fitness idea...
  2. EG News

    March To More Legday Gains With This Challenging Lunge Variation

    When lunges are in your workout program, a sense of dread comes over you. No matter the variation, the lack of stability, the testing of balance, and the raising of the heart rate is NOT something that you look forward to. Lunges are like bad-tasting medicines that make you feel better, and this...
  3. EG News

    Fix Your Farmer’s Carry By Eliminating These 3 Common Mistakes

    The farmer’s carry seems simple, at least watching someone else do it, but when you pick up a heavyweight and start walking, you quickly realize how hard it is. Your shoulders ache, your grip starts slipping, and you begin to realize that you maybe making, what be one of many, farmer carry...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Cardio For Your Goals: The 4 Top Forms of Cardio

    Cardio is important for all health and fitness goals, but not all types of cardio are equal. While there are a dizzying array of cardio options — from walking to rowing to sprinting and more — for you to choose from, the best form of cardio for you depends on your current fitness status, any...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Improve Your Athleticism with These 5 HIIT Workouts

    There are benefits to doing cardio on a treadmill, exercise bike, or elliptical, but let’s face facts - these workouts can be mundane and don’t do much else that can help you. If you’re going to commit time to training, then you should be able to see improvements that can translate into other...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Improve Your Athleticism with These 5 HIIT Workouts

    There are benefits to doing cardio on a treadmill, exercise bike, or elliptical, but let’s face facts - these workouts can be mundane and don’t do much else that can help you. If you’re going to commit time to training, then you should be able to see improvements that can translate into other...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    8 Things to Know Before Fitness Walking

    Any time you begin a new activity like fitness walking, you’re bound to have a ton of questions that need to be answered. From whether or not you need to worry about proper technique to how to stay motivated, here are eight good-to-know tips before you begin: 1 FORM MATTERS Like all other...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    5 Bad Habits Walking Can Help Kick

    Leading a healthy lifestyle isn’t about fad diets and exercise trends, it’s about a commitment to well-being. Walking regularly can have many health benefits beyond dropping a few pounds. When you treat your body well, you’re more likely to make better decisions and curb negative routines. Here...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    9 Smart Ways to Combat Stress Eating

    Imagine you’re overloaded at work, dealing with family drama or in the middle of a major home renovation. It’s times like these when stress eating strikes and, eventually, it can ruin hard-earned weight loss or healthy eating progress. While that sleeve of cookies, jar of peanut butter or bag of...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Why Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Is Arbitrary

    Whether you’re new to walking or just looking for an easy way to reach your weight-loss goals, you’ve likely heard the advice you should aim for 10,000 steps a day. For most people, this translates to roughly 5 miles (depending on things like height and walking gait). It’s a nice, round number...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    What’s a Better Workout: Walking Stairs or Inclines?

    There are a few things that are undeniably important for your health: eating a well-balanced diet, drinking a good amount of water, getting quality sleep, and of course, regular movement. A weekly dose of cardio can help with weight loss, as well as yield other science-backed benefits like...
  12. J


    Walking or standing lunges. Is one better than to the other, if so why?
  13. EG News

    Build Up Your Quads

    Every bodybuilder has his own method for training legs; however it’s done, it’s never fun. I always say, “If you can leave a gym after a leg workout walking the same way as when you entered, you didn’t do enough.” For great legs, you need to have that mindset and put in the brutal work they...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Fear The Walking Dead

    Fear The Walking Dead Anyone else going to check this out? How many Walking Dead fans out there anxiously awaiting this new series on how it all started?? All of us in the F.I.S.T. household will definitely be tuning in. Premier is August 23 on AMC. Here's some great insight into...
  15. killinit88


    i dont need help with what types, but input on it wouldnt hurt. My main question is when to do cardio, by the time i am done lifting i am fucking beat so i never have the drive to do cardio. My new schedule would allow me to do cardio in the am and lift in the PM. What you guys think about...
  16. LittleTom

    American Horror Story

    Any one out there watching this season of AHS the coven? Great show! I like it better than the walking dead.
  17. ElChango

    seconds from getting run over

    So last night was a really weird one. I'm heading to school, park my car, get out. I start walking to class, as im walking to class i put my keys in my jacket. I tried to zip up the zipper on my jacket. Guess what!? it gets caught. So im over here fixing it. It takes a few seconds. Finally I...