
  1. 01dragonslayer

    5 More Research-Proven Ways to Lose Fat

    Is Fat Loss Driven Purely by Energy Balance? If you had the chance to read our previous article about enhancing fat loss, then you should be up to speed on how energy balance affects body composition. For the rest of readers, it's pertinent to know that energy balance is the major determinant of...
  2. EG News

    Powerlifters protest usapl at minnesota state championships

    Last week, USA Powerlifting (USAPL) announced that transgender women would not be allowed to compete against biological females. The decision gained mainstream attention when JayCee Cooper, a trans female powerlifter, brought notice to the fact that the USAPL rejected her application to compete...
  3. Paulrockr

    Gimme a fucking break

    Trans-gender wins powerlifting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. GRIM

    Butter versus Margirine

    Nutrition for Today: Is butter better?
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Food Companies are Trying to Hide Trans Fat in our Food, Despite FDA Ban

    Food Companies are Trying to Hide Trans Fat in our Food, Despite FDA Ban by Julie Fidler Posted on August 12, 2015 Here is where you may still find these fats First, the good news: the FDA has ordered food companies to remove trans fats from their products over the next three years. The bad...