
  1. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, undergroundp

    Welcome to Enhance Genetics, @undergroundp.
  2. J

    Cycle Opinion

    A buddy of mine is running a combo I’ve never tried. Wanted some opinions. He has used a decent amount of gear over the years and his diet is really good and trains hard. Even does cardio regularly ha. He doing Test, Deca and Mast E. It’s a 15, possible 20 week cycle. All the extras on hand...
  3. Dago

    Deca vs Eq which is best ?

    I remember my Eq cycles I did a few I think imo Eq is better all around steroid than deca that has to be at last 2-1 test for the shit to work the deca I mean. You can run a 200mg trt dose and Eq and gain like crazy. Eq takes forever to work it's magic tho
  4. R2D2

    Dark Cycle Sledge

    Starting this in the next few days: https://www.netnutri.com/sledge-60-capsules it's max-lmg/dmz. gonna run alongside 250 mg test-e
  5. GRIM

    What you currently running?

    250 sust, 200 tren e, 100 npp, 50 inject sd eod here myself oh and dbol kick off
  6. E

    Making my own!

    Just thought I’d share some gear porn. One of the best things I ever had was a mentor that showed me how to make it. Getting just the raws and cooking is the cheapest and best option! Go ahead and wipe your drool.
  7. puff88

    Need to order additional labs

    Whats up brothers, going to get my bloodwork done in January as part of my TRT program. My clinic is only ordering estradiol, total test, and cbc. I know I know, they should be ordering more, don't know what they're doing, blah blah. Totally understand and that is a separate topic of convo. All...
  8. Inhuman2024

    Test results

    Confused here. Ok so i took the advice of members here and the advice of my pos doctor. Stopped working out n stopped all juice 1 month ago. Just got my new blood test results back. My creatine is at 1.43 wich makes my eGFR at 58. My ck is 300. My total test is 192 my free is 33. My hemocratit...
  9. GoPro

    New cycle.

    So..... Been in the game since 2013. I did some comps and placed 4th over all the first one and lost some weight and placed 3red in mens physic. I really wanna get back into the same shape. So obviously I'm gonna be doing a couple cycles and dieting. So your alls input is very wanted. I was...
  10. Eman

    Dyel Sust 350

  11. GRIM

    1st of next month

    BULK #1 upping calories from area of 2-3K max to 5K+ 'if possible' Eating that much is tough Gear going with Test, Deca, EQ, Adrol AND Superdrol 600-900 mg of each injectable SD is inject as well but gonna try to slin that playing by ear 25 mg of anadrol, if I feel good may up it PluS going...
  12. halfnatty

    My guy gave me 100 grams of test cyp

    can any of the brothers help me with the steps for this ?? I just really need the measurements I pretty much know how it’s done just not good with measurements of all the oils need to be used
  13. C

    The GYM!

    Gyms are opening up, what are your comeback cycles? Thinking basic test e and EQ for myself.
  14. Eman

    Test Dyel Pharma.

    Test is for TMT 300
  15. halfnatty

    Favorite cut cycles without tren and dosage

    Wanna see some cool stacks that don’t include tren cause I wanna get some ideas for the future and I have a girlfriend and a kid and I would like to keep this girlfriend hahahahaha
  16. J

    Whats Your TRT

    What do you guys use for TRT (sus, cyp, test e, or whatever), how many MG's and how many shots per week?
  17. GRIM

    Noob move!

    So im loading my pin have each compound calculated as to how much. Well grabbed wrong vial! Wanted 1.25 ml of cut mix. I had test 400 instead. So got like 1 ml test 400. Eq was right Cut mix low test 400 hi Im the dumb Was supposed to be. 1 ml eq .5 superdrol 1.25 cut .25 test 400
  18. Dago

    How to pin trt test

    I get 200 mgs test cyp every 2 weeks. Would it be better to pin in 100mg week or just do 200 every 2 weeks along w my 75mg test prop eod?
  19. Eman

    Test Honest Pharma T400

    @Liv2pb provided the vial for test. Honest Pharma Super Test 400 Test C 200mg/ml Test E 200mg/ml
  20. GRIM

    short ester summer run

    npp with test ace what else, not tren was debating bold cyp