
  1. 01dragonslayer

    HIIT vs. Steady-State Cardio: Which Is Really Best for Weight Loss?

    In recent years, the sentiment among gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts has been that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is better for weight loss than traditional low-to-moderate intensity, steady-state cardio. But is that really what the data shows? Well, yes and no. The HIIT vs...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Top 10 Reasons Why Bodybuilders Fail To Grow

    ail To Plan, Plan To Fail: Top 10 Reasons Why Bodybuilders Fail To Grow Are you frustrated with the lack of growth you’re experiencing? Then read on… FACT ONE the reason bodybuilders don’t grow is because they don’t know what state there body is in to start with. Without accurately assessing...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Dynamic Applications of Branched-Chain Amino Acids for Physique Enhancement

    Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and especially L-leucine, have garnered a ton of attention in the scientific community over the past two decades. Data continues to uncover the usefulness of BCAAs for building muscle and preventing muscle tissue breakdown, among many other beneficial...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Fasted Cardio Eats Muscle

    Fasted Cardio Eats Muscle Plus 6 More Fat Loss Mistakes by Christian Thibaudeau | 10/14/16 Here's what you need to know... Most people attempting to lose fat will use diet and exercise strategies that make it impossible to preserve muscle. Fasted cardio works, but only if you're on...
  5. GRIM

    China Ban

    News has been coming out about a China ban, to me from what I'm hearing, seeing and experience it's more worry than reality atm. The supposed new ban list Few things to keep in mind, there are NUMEROUS other...
  6. EG News

    High school powerlifter crushes 830-pound squat for a state record

    Dajour Jupiter may only be a senior in high school, but he undoubtedly possesses strength that most grown men would envy. Jupiter is an absolute powerhouse, and a product of the Ocean Springs powerlifting program in Mississippi. Jupiter crushed an 830-pound squat on Saturday, breaking the...
  7. EG News

    Is hiit as effective as longer cardio for fat loss?

    Westend61 / Getty Whether you love or hate cardio, any bodybuilder or coach will tell you that it’s a necessary aspect of any fat-loss plan. But what varies these days is often the athlete’s preferred method of cardio. Some swear that traditional longer, moderate-intensity sessions are best for...
  8. EG News

    Simple tips to torch fat

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Whether you enjoy cardio or not, it’s a necessity for bodybuilders who want to significantly reduce body fat in a reasonable period of time. If the primary goal of doing cardio is to burn fat, as opposed to increasing aerobic endurance, one should perform cardio on...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    America has collapsed into a PHARMA STATE run by government-protected drug cartels

    America has collapsed into a PHARMA STATE run by government-protected drug cartels Saturday, April 01, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Much like a “narco state” that’s run by narco terrorists, America has now collapsed into a pharma state run by “legal” drug cartels protected by a...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Author exposes the “Vaccine Deep State” … a massive criminal fraud and embezzlem

    Author exposes the “Vaccine Deep State” … a massive criminal fraud and embezzlement ring inside the CDC Tuesday, March 14, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) One of the most explosive books you’ll ever read that documents the shocking criminal enterprise known as the CDC — including...
  11. GRIM

    Cookies by state

    The best cookie in every state - Business Insider
  12. krustus

    good article on being lean vs. being ripped this is a great read... i'm pretty much at a lean state... truly ripped is a whole nother ballgame
  13. dirtyjoe8605

    Has anyone else been having trouble getting gh international?

    I've got this bad ass cycle all mapped out. Well I get good gh for low cost. I actually just got it seized for the 3rd time at 2 different addresses. They told me to send to another state. I got family n another state an they will domestically send me my goods if it passes customs that way. This...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property

    Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property Lew Rockwell | - November 16, 2015 Should we also have to pay for the privilege of cultural destructionism? Whether we’re talking about illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America, or birthright citizenship, or the migrants...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Trump: GOP rivals ‘want to start WWIII over Syria,’ should let Russia fight Isla

    Trump: GOP rivals ‘want to start WWIII over Syria,’ should let Russia fight Islamic State By Kellan Howell - The Washington Times - Saturday, September 26, 2015 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump shared more of his views on foreign policy Friday, telling an audience in Oklahoma his...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    8 States Support Vermont in Fight Against Monsanto and GMOs

    8 States Support Vermont in Fight Against Monsanto and GMOs by Christina Sarich Posted on September 20, 2015 Is yours one of them? The state of Vermont decided that it would listen to the people and require foods containing genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) to be labeled. But with...
  17. E

    Penn State dermatologist provides tips for treating poison ivy rash

    Penn State dermatologist provides tips for treating poison ivy rash Dr. David Adams, a dermatologist at Penn State Hershey, doesn't buy recent news reports that poison ivy has become stronger and more prevalent lately. Source: Penn State dermatologist provides tips for treating poison ivy rash
  18. F.I.S.T.

    Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work

    Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/16/2015 When it comes to the contents of the TPP, the most important law of Obama's second term, merely leaking its contents to the press can have result in imprisonment or treason charges...
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. leads charge against state bills eliminating vaccine exem

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. leads charge against state bills eliminating vaccine exemptions,victory in Oregon. Valerie Richardson The Washington Times Mon, 16 Mar 2015 Supporters of state legislation to tighten vaccine exemptions appeared poised for success this year after the Disneyland measles...

    Indiana passes law to shot cops on personal property.

    probably the best law I have ever seen passed in my life time............... it is not really a new law I just came across it the other day.. But Indiana has passed a law that allows home and property owners to shoot and kill civil servants who trespass on property without warrant. All states...