
  1. T

    Npp for joint lubrication

    What is the minimum dose you would recommend to get the benefit of joint lubrication from NPP or Deca? I'm thinking about adding it to my cruise b/c my joints are sore since I've come off three weeks ago.
  2. lith56bigguy

    Considering NPP vs. Tren for a change

    I've run NPP in the past and have had good results. I haven't run it for a full cycle though. I'm a deca head by choice however my dick just don't like to work on deca. Tren has been my friend for awhile now. Been off cycle for a few months. I just started ramping up my training af ter...


    can/should you run them together? can /should you take with tne? thx bros
  4. J


    same mgs in diff volumes...look at values and stability...FUCK HALF LIVES [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. krustus

    my tbol, npp, masteron experience so far

    me and lith are both running a similar cycle.. i'm only running 150mg a week of test (trt dose) along with 300npp and 900 mast e, and 60 a day of tbol. the results so far (6weeks) have been amazing. this is my heaviest cycle ever and it's really changing my physique. i'll hopefully have some...
  6. S

    Anybody know an accurate melting point for NPP?

    I could google it I'm sure but would rather get it from someone I trust on here to be exact with my brew
  7. bigdude

    Tren and npp

    Ok I know the taboo in running these to compounds together, I don't understand the science totally but it could be bad.... Question is who run deca or npp with tren for joint relief and what are ur dosages?
  8. A

    npp verus deca

    just wondering some experiances with npp versus nanadrone deconate (deca duroblin).which one do you like better?why?