
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Your Top 10 Questions About Creatine Supplements, Answered by Science

    1. How Does Creatine Work? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the most basic unit of cellular energy. When cells use ATP, they split it into smaller molecules, and when they’re finished, they “reassemble” the fragments back into ATP for reuse. The more ATP your cells can store and the faster your...
  2. Dago

    Steroids and your kidneys

    Which steroids are least toxic to your kidneys and which are the worst? I went to the doc and she said my kidneys where about 78% to the good. Not bad considering all the shit ive put in my body over the years. I know orals are hard on the kidneys and liver. I was planning a spring cycle in a...
  3. Dago


    We all know orals are bad for your liver and kidneys. Last blood work my kidneys were u 78% so they have gotten better but i havent used much orals for awhile now maybe couple times in the last 3 years. Im drinking lots of water using 100mg of var a day with 250 sust a week and 200 test cyp...
  4. Dago

    What steroid causes the least stress on renal functions

    Which steroid can I choose that would cause the least amount of stress to the renal functions (kidneys) ? Eq is similar to dianabol. Tren in trying to stay away from due to other sides. Orals we all know about. Wondering what's my best choice ?
  5. Dago

    Eq and your kidneys /liver

    Anyone ever have elevated kidney or liver numbers on eq ? It's supposed to be a mild compound as far as this goes. Eq is very similar to dbol in nature. Anyone had blood work on eq or had problems with kidneys mainly is why im posting this. Thanks
  6. halfnatty

    okay bros what gear would be safe and harmless to the liver and kidneys

    I know test is pretty safe long as you ain't shooting like 4 grams lol but I also was reading up on t bol witch seems pretty safe. So what you guys think? Ps I'm out for 2 months so this gives me a good time to research and get help :)
  7. Akhusker

    Steroid use on the kidneys

    Im posting this mainly because during my last set of labs I had some issues with my kidneys. (Proteinurea, Protein in my urine). BODYBUILDING WITH STEROIDS DAMAGES KIDNEYS Athletes who use anabolic steroids may gain muscle mass and strength, but they can also destroy their kidney function...
  8. D

    liver and kidneys

    whats the best supplments for liver and kidneys???