
  1. puff88

    Push Pull Legs

    For as long as ive been training i pretty much have always done single body part workouts only. My current split is chest and tris, back and bis, shoulders, legs, repeat. This has worked for me but now i am at the point where i really need to change my routine. I am in the gym 4 days per week...
  2. dowork

    Where to order Bloods

    Where’s the cheapest place to order bloodwork? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. wonderwoman

    What’s your most fave stack?

    Anybody willing to share their all time favorite stack? And why? Thanks Wonderwoman Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, jdizzle619

    Hi JDizzle619, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  5. glock4319

    Cutting cycle

    Hey brothers I’m about to start a cutting cycle before I run a winter bulk cycle. I’m going pretty basic, sound good or should I adjust something: 1. Test c: 300mgs ew 2. Tren a: 200mgs ew 3. Winny: 50mgs ed 4. Npp for joints: 100mgs ew Thanks fellas! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Tyson13

    Test prop and b12

    I was wanting to get people opinions on mixing test prop and B12. (I know one oil based and one is water based.) My doctor has prescribed B12 and I am pinning EOD. I would like to mix them so I don't have to pin anymore than I am. Thanks for your help!
  7. GRIM

    Middle of night protein

    do you auto wake up your body craving for protein? i have been big time
  8. Fitraver

    Best vpn for iPhone

    Figured this would be a good place to ask since I know grim is the king of security. Wondering what the best is. Both secure wise and one that stays connected. Reviews looked like vpn by nord was very secure but people claim it has connection problems a lot. Saw a couple other but cons were...
  9. millenium girl

    Latest iOS update

    i updated my iPhone a couple of weeks ago and at first I hated it but now that I'm used to the new features I think that most are pretty cool.
  10. A

    Bad inject

    See my post is gone? I had a bad inject about 3 days ago. Swelled, painful, pussing. About 3" of redness, was in the ass. Just test e, and I did clean both site and vial. No insurance, hope it passes?
  11. Daredevil


    Which vendors would you recommend for Cialis? I'm currently taking an anti anxiety medicine that's assassinating my sex drive. Cialis in pharmacies is $365 for (30) 5mg at CVS, $395 at Walgreens and for (30) 10mg at Walgreens its $1975!!! Is the generics from Canada drug stores good?
  12. tkasch30

    Amount of time off IGF??

    After using igf lr3 for 40 days how long should i take off before starting it again? I'm hearing anywhere from 2-4 wks
  13. Daredevil

    New Movies

    Anyone seen any new movies lately? I watch Don't Breathe. It was decent. It was 3 thieves who break into a home and get trapped and then crazy stuff starts happening. Good movie, I give it 7.5/10.
  14. T-bar

    This is just crazy

    I am blown away at what we allow our media to get away with. CNN just flat out changes facts now and doesn't give a shit. When they get caught, they simply "regret not posting the full statement" when in fact they flat out lie about what happens. I really think we need to share the hell out...
  15. dowork

    No Esteroidal?

    Past few years I have come to believe I get no noticeable esteroidal sides while on blast or cruise. So I haven't been on any anti's for quite a while. Anyone else like this? Or should I be on a small dose anyway, to keep E levels more in the normal range? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. dowork

    Favorite Gym Headphones?

    I'm getting tired of cords, any good Bluetooth sets? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. dowork

    First Sign Your Anabolics Are Kicking In?

    One week in, I get "testier" in traffic. Gripping the steering wheel a bit harder... some dick head changes lanes with no blinker... a Prius driving 65 in the left lane... Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Fuck you!!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. blasson

    Blasson blood work

    I went get a wellness test done for life insurance and here is what they tested for.. Hemoglobin a1c 5.1 Bun 16 Creatine (blood) 1 Alkaline phos. 88 Total bilirubin. 0.7 Ast (sgot). 38 Alt (sgpt). 45 Ggt/ggtp. 11 Total protein (bld). 7 Albumin (blood). 4.4 Globulin (blood)...
  19. J

    Log prep

    Ok guys......going to do a log.....Need some thoughts on what to take and what to do.... I am 5'10, 180lbs and about 12% BF (pics to come).... Currently I am taking hgh, Test and slin post workout. I think I will run Tren, Decca (low dose), dbol (kicker)...... Anyway......I am a big 5x5...
  20. blasson

    Day traders

    Do we have any daytraders here? I just got into it and I'm already making some profits. In the last 2 weeks I've already made 1,636 in gains. Loving it. I paper traded and studied for a few months to learn the ins and outs etc. but well worth the wait and patience. I'm trading while at work...