
  1. EG News

    Grilling Tips to Light Up This 4th of July Weekend

    With Independence Day comes lots of grilling, chilling, friends, and fireworks which means now is the perfect time to get your grill ready for fun and flavor with these can’t miss grilling tips. Successful grilling calls for a clean cooking space, the right amount of heat, and marinating...
  2. EG News

    Prepare Your Your Next Fish Dish Like a Pro Chef with These Tasty Tips

    Fish, chicken, and eggs are the lean proteins that dominate a bodybuilder’s food prep menu. They’re packed with muscle-building amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. While protein sources like chicken make for a great at-work lunch option, second-day fish on the other hand may bring out the...
  3. EG News

    Friday Feast: No Matter the Weather, Here’s How to Make Today A Grill Day

    Once you’ve picked a great cut of steak, which grilling expert and author of “The Provider Life Cookbook” Chad Belding helped you select in his previous story, it’s time to cook it, reverse-sear style! Grilling the perfect steak isn’t a long process, but it is a precise one. Temperature, time...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    7 Easy Tricks For Healthier Grilling, According to RDs

    Whether you’re headed for a neighborhood barbecue or cooking out in your own backyard, healthy grilling can seem like a challenge. After all, many traditional staples and sides like burgers and potato salad are covered in high-fat condiments like mayo, and it’s all too easy to graze (and...
  5. GRIM

    Grill tips if you dont have a grill

    A BBQ Master’s 5 Tips for ‘Grilling’ When You Don’t Have a Grill | Food & Wine