
  1. Eman

    Lab Test Funds

    PM if you would like to donate Bitcoin or sample(s) for testing. Thank you. Running Totals: Eman 150.00 @01dragonslayer 50.00 @Inhuman2019 160.00 Total 360 -95 Lab Fees -120 Lab Fees/Packaging Materials -110 Lab Fees/Packaging Materials @01dragonslayer 100.00 Anonymous 250.00 Total 385.00 -110...
  2. A

    Wu pickup requirements

    If sending funds international what does the person picking up funds need to show in order to receive what I'm sending them? This is Europe. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  3. HTFU

    PayPal Question

    Hey EG friends, I need some advice on a situation I am in. I put money on 3 PayPal MyCash cards to pay a vendor however the funds won't transfer to the vendor. Does anyone know why?
  4. blasson

    Vanilla reload

    Hey guys just wanted to feel you in on some information I found out Friday. I have ALWAYS paid via cim or vanilla reload for the last 3years or so. I went Friday to purchase a reload pack from the same CVS I've always went to.. they didn't have the same cards I've always bought. I asked the...
  5. MattyIce

    how long is too long?

    You send payment, you receive email stating goods are on the way in 1-2 days, then no response for 9 days. Reasonable to pull the funds or not?
  6. flyingfox

    I got scammed

    First off I am not posting this in the vendors section with whom I had the issue, we all take our chances and there are many ways to lose. It has become painfully obvious to me that at some point I was communicating with someone posing as the sponsor. I was instructed to send funds which I...