
  1. Troy

    How's this for a bulk cycle

    Thinking of running something simple like test p, npp and dbol for 12 weeks. Test p 600 mg per week, npp 600 mg per week, dbol weeks 1-6 40 mg ed. Have never ran npp so any pointers would be great also planning on pinning test and npp together at 150 mg each on mon, wed, fri and sun. Basically...
  2. 4everstrong

    Rich Piana Discussing Mg/ml Dosages

    I know Most are not a fan of this guy but i just find some of his videos interesting and im sure everyone will have different opinions on this. View:
  3. TSizemore

    Primobolin Enanthate

    Reported Characteristics Active Life: 10-14 days Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (For injection) Average Reported Dosage: Men 200-400-mg weekly Women 50-150-mg weekly Acne: Light at dosages of up to 200-mg weekly Water Retention: Very low High Blood Pressure: Rare Liver Toxic: Low...
  4. bigdude

    Tren and npp

    Ok I know the taboo in running these to compounds together, I don't understand the science totally but it could be bad.... Question is who run deca or npp with tren for joint relief and what are ur dosages?
  5. Augustwest

    Albuterol instead of Clen. Dosages

    Hey so im considering making my 16 week test run this spring bulk 8 weeks, cut 8 weeks. Anyways ive tried Clen before and it doesnt work with me, terrible migraines. If I were to replace it with Albuterol what would the dosages be. It will be stacked with T3