
  1. S

    YK11 inject

    Added in yk11 injject to my now deca/test cruise 15mg yk eod also taking 2gs oral HMB and MIC and glutathione inject 2x per wk. Feel pretty good and 1/2 thru yk vial up 5lbs solid
  2. Tyson13

    TRT & Primo

    I am getting ready to run an 20 week cycle of 250 mgs Test C & 500 mgs of Primo weekly divided up twice weekly. I have had great results with that before. I love Primo and have a legit source. My question is can I run it indefinitely after the cycle? I have read mixed reviews like always...
  3. GRIM

    What you currently running?

    250 sust, 200 tren e, 100 npp, 50 inject sd eod here myself oh and dbol kick off
  4. GRIM

    So my summer cycle

    Totally fucked with what's going on. Im finishing up my current which was going good until shit hit fan Gonna stay on test higher than a cruise though. 400 ew minimum Might finish up the open eq might as well Run just those 2 for may be 2 months, eq wont last that long. Give body a bit of break...
  5. Eman


    Got some black diamond tpp/npp 100/100 I’m about to pull out of the stash and start got a couple questions Iv ran both compounds separately but not real familiar on blends can someone give me some advice on dosage and injection frequency. Greatly appreciate any input. Thanks fellas.
  6. Iron-Game


    Perhaps the strongest and most powerful SARM on the market, RAD-140 has received amazing feedback from users, and with good reason. RAD-140 has shown extreme selectivity to binding in muscles rather the prostate, with an alleged anabolic ratio of 20:1(deca is 12:1, test is 1:1). The data looks...
  7. Andrew0409

    What does everyone cruise on?

    What does everyone cruise on at what dose and for how long before they blast usually. My last cruise was 200mg of pharma cyp and I felt like it was a bit low.
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Run and Gun AAS Cycling – A power approach to success.

    Run and Gun AAS Cycling – A power approach to success. - OldSchoolLifter Over the years the use of aas has evolved into a direct science, more is known now of what each compound does compare to when Arnold was practicing. In the day, cycles consisted of very little if any test, high amounts of...
  9. I

    Coming off advice

    I have been on cycle now for 19 weeks idk if I should be regretting it or not but here it goes, Test cyp 500 mgs a week for 19 weeks now Primo depot 600 to 800 mgs a week for 19 weeks And mast E 400 mgs a week for 5 weeks now I'm thinking I should come off completely because I never wanted...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Blasters & Cruisers:

    Blasters & Cruisers: Do you add any other compounds to your Test cruise? This is more aimed at the B&C crowd rather than the Perma-blasters or the guys cruising on 1g Test. To those of you who drop down to moderate Test doses (125, 200, 250, 300mg a week). Do you add in any other AAS? And...
  11. morrey


    Anyone here cruise on other compounds besides test? Also how long of a break can you take from gear before you start losing strength, size, and confidence (lol)? Havent pinned anything in 26 days because i was having estrogen problems and didnt have any AIs. I was thinking about cruising on EQ...
  12. tunaman7

    Old men and gear...Does it matter?

    Brothers. I am now at the ripe old age of 51. Im getting fucking AARP membership cards in the mail on a weekly basis. The music that I loved from the 80s is now classified as (gulp) "oldies". Then here comes Ms.Tuna who says "aren't you getting a little too old to run gear". Oh shit...the...
  13. tunaman7

    Cruising Dose

    Ok...I'm on a 20 week cruise. I'm using Dr A's (Aventia) Super T which is 200mg of E and 200mg of C. Right now I'm dosing .5 ml (100 E and 100 C) on Mondays and Thursdays. A few questions for more experienced 1. I'm liking 400 per week. Been there for a month now. Considering for the next...
  14. 4everstrong

    Blasting and cruising

    How long do you guys wait between blasting and cruising? Now don't tell me you wait time on time off bc I know you fuckers lol. I ran a 9 week cycle and have been cruising on 4 weeks of test e 200mgs
  15. tkasch30

    cruise with aas on trt

    does anyone here run a mild injectable all the time with your test? like lower doses of mast, primo, maybe deca. has anyone done this and still had good bloodwork
  16. krustus

    TNE year round? even when cruisin? or just when blasting

    alright... do you guys use TNE even while cruisin or only during blast?
  17. krustus


    OK... i've been on trt 2-3 years now. did a mild blast before of 400mgs of test a week, but i'm presently doing NPP, Tbol, Masteron blast.. when the time comes to go back to cruise... do i just drop the compounds i'm running... is there any sort of " pct" type meds i should take. i know there...
  18. lith56bigguy

    what to do cruise and blast or pct

    OK guys back in April I did a 10 week test only cycle at 500 mg a week, then cruised about two months starting at 250 down to 125 mg a week Then I went on a 20 week bang started with tet at 500, deca at 400 and 4 week kickstart of d bol at 50 mg per day. Upped test to...
  19. Kuntrykok

    Blood Glucose- Hypo or Hyper don't know but feel like shit

    Anyone have any issues of waking in the morning with feelings of light headedness, pins and needles in fingers and palms, shaking hands (tremors), and night sweats? Also, some episodes later in the day but mostly in the first half upon waking. I sleep like a rock, but wake up in a pool of...
  20. Boltbreaker

    How many here are ALWAYS on and how many Cycle??

    Just want to see the diversity of the NEW GROUP here. I know alot of you guys like me are gonna be on cruise and blast forever. Now lets here from you guys how this shit started and what your thought process was to stay on if it wasnt bc of Low T. I decided after cycling and losing gains...