bulking cycle

  1. Troy

    How's this for a bulk cycle

    Thinking of running something simple like test p, npp and dbol for 12 weeks. Test p 600 mg per week, npp 600 mg per week, dbol weeks 1-6 40 mg ed. Have never ran npp so any pointers would be great also planning on pinning test and npp together at 150 mg each on mon, wed, fri and sun. Basically...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    A Basic Bulking Cycle for women

    A Basic Bulking Cycle for women Posted by KodiakGRRL Being a female in this world is rather advantageous, we have the flexibility and freedom to pick and chose the compounds we run without being tied to running test. A very powerful stack to start with is NPP/Prop. I highly...