
  1. S

    Reg. blood tests ??

  2. J

    Test and Erectile Dysfunction

    One of my friends is running test. That I gave him from this forum and he is having a hard time getting and staying hard while having sex. What is going on with him. What should I tell him to do.
  3. halfnatty

    Has anyone used test prop or tpp for trt?

    Just curious
  4. halfnatty

    Who is on trt from a doctor

    I would like to ask a few questions thanks brothers!
  5. GRIM

    So went to the doc

    For my fatigue as it's gotten so bad I can barely function at all, let alone gym. I'm still fighting and hitting the gym but a pale amount compared to norm.. Anyways they did nothing absolutely nothing for it and instead focused on my secondary issue just having them check the abscess I had :(...
  6. Liv2pb

    Has anyone used bulk raws?

    Sorry if this is the wrong section to post this in. I was thinking about getting mk677 powder from bulkraws. Does anyone here trust these guys?
  7. dowork

    HCG Protocol

    I have a friend who just did his first cycle and didn't plan out his PCT properly. I'm blast/cruise and never had a good pct experience myself, so I don't really know what to tell him. Here's what he did: Two weeks after his last test e pin, he started clomid for 4 weeks. That 4 weeks is up...
  8. lith56bigguy

    How long does everyone typically run orals?

    I try to stay to 4 weeks as I've done bloods and have seen my liver enzymes really shoot up. How about everyone else?
  9. 49ER

    Advice please on lab work

    Ive heard all the estro jokes before so if u must go ahead lol this is nothing last time it was in the 700's and I fixed it in a little over 2 weeks so I can fix this. My concern is the fsh and lh any ideas why its so low im on a tiny amount of test and 100mgs tren ace ed. [attachment deleted...
  10. jshredz

    Bloods while on other compounds

    So I went to see a doc a month ago about possibly getting on trt. I knew I would have to get blood work done so I had stopped taking test a month before. I was only taking 300mg/wk of tpp so I figured one month off works be plenty of time for my levels to drop. The only thing I was taking before...