
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Corona Crap!

    These corona virus precautions are getting way out of control. Its absolutely ridiculous. People are freaking out because it NEW!...and they don't know anything about it so they panic. ITS NO WORSE THAN THE FLU PEOPLE!!! The CDC should be more concerned about the flu than this corona virus crap...
  2. halfnatty

    Npp VS deca

    What’s your thoughts on both and do you like using one more then the other? Iv done deca when I was younger but never npp, I heard it’s pretty good even while cutting but like I said I never used it before
  3. halfnatty

    Is hgh worth it at 30?

    ima be 30 this year and been thinking about doing hgh but not sure if it’s worth it or not so I’m wondering if some of you vets can kinda guide me on the right path :)
  4. GRIM

    Flag burning trump

    Donald Trump Suggests Flag-Burning Should Be Punishable by Jail Time or Loss of Citizenship I back him here, not what he said but come on one can state a personal opinion that doesnt equate to the law. Now if hes too stupid to know the law, well we are stuck with him
  5. J


    Over the years I have seen some peeled dudes...but I have never...ever seen the likes of David Henry this year...OMG. I mean....WOW...I want that protocol! [attachment deleted by admin]